Tuesday, September 7, 2010

No Insurance Car Accident

Insurance companies are making it tougher and tougher to collect medical costs incurred due to minor car crashes. According to a recent 18-month investigation conducted by CNN, you could be in the fight of your life if youre trying to get an auto insurance company to pay medical costs you incur due to an auto accident, even though the accident was not your fault.

The article states that this type of insurance hardball particularly happens in relatively minor accidents such as fender benders where there is no injury that may be seen by the naked eye or established with an X-ray.

This insurance-companys- play-tough trend is apparently a recent one, a strategy adopted and religiously enforced by the nations two largest insurance companies, State farm and Allstate. According to the CNN investigation, the result of such a strategy has been extremely profitable for the insurance companies, but has hurt consumers significantly. People end up getting dragged through the court system over fender bender claims, but no one sees any benefit such as reduced premiums. In fact, the dirty little secret of the insurance industry for the last 15 years has been this - theyre paying out much less for minor auto accidents, their profits are soaring as are your premiums.
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