Wednesday, September 8, 2010

How To Change Folder Icons

Now I mark my folders red, she marks her own folders green and we can conveniently share one computer because we know that this folder belongs to me and that one belongs to my colleague.

Customized folders can help you organize work on a computer you share with somebody else.

Folder Marker provides me with a great choice of folder icons to choose from. The default set can be expanded and I can add my own icons I found on the Web.

There is another lovely feature in the program that I often use. Sometimes I have to move documents onto my laptop when I am going away. I save customized folders to my USB drive and the wonderful thing is that they do not change their look. That's because Folder Marker can make customized folder icons portable. So when I start my laptop, I see the same folders with the same icons as if it were my desktop computer!

Folder Marker is a little cute application that's worth its virtual weight in the agony and frustration when you are looking for a particular folder and cannot find it because you see literally a jungle of yellow folders. I found myself changing folder icons for more meaningful and prominent ones just because Folder Marker made it such fun.
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