Thursday, August 26, 2010

Prepare Paella Like A Pro

Preparing paella is an interesting endeavour for any cook. This dish does not really have a set list of ingredients but is mostly a combination of different meats and vegetables. In fact, the The American Heritage Dictionary of the English Language, refers to paella as a saffron-flavored dish made with varying combinations of rice, vegetables, meat, chicken and seafood.

The meal is prepared in a pot - all the ingredients meld together in the pot while cooking to create the dishes great taste. This pot cooking is so closely associated with this dish that it's name, paella means frying pan or pot in Old French and Catalan languages.

Paella is a great dish to make if you want to clean out the fridge and use up leftover meats and vegetables. Any combination will eventually be great the secret is in the chemistry. Paella is a dish that is generally made to feed several people. Moreover, paella is quite flavorful the next day as the tastes have had time to mix together and become stronger.

The secret to a good paella is being creative, therefore there are many recipes one can follow. But since a recipe is not necessary, nor desirable, the basic steps to creating this dish are outlined below. It's up to you to provide the creativity in ingredients to make the dish your own!

Making The Rice

You can use whatever kind of rice you like. A wild rice can add interesting flavor and texture to the dish, but if you prefer brown or white feel free to go with. Frying the rice as outlined below will give it a nutty flavor.

Wash the rice and set aside
Chop tomato, onion ad garlic
Heat olive oil in a skillet, and once the oil is hot (but not smoking) toss in the rice
Add the onion, garlic and tomato after a minute or two

Stir until the onion, tomato and garlic are soft. Don't let the rice mixture overcook - 3 to 5 minutes is plenty of time. At the end of the cooking, you can spice it with whatever spices you like. Some common spices for paella are saffron, salt and pepper but you could add cayenne, cinnamon or any other herbs that you and your guests prefer.

Remove the mixture from the burner and toss in some frozen peas. Not too many as you don't want to overpower the rice but just enough to add a little accent.

Preparing The Meat

In a frying pan at high heat, brown some pieces of chicken. Upper thighs, drumsticks,'s all good. Do not cook the meat completely but brown the outside. Once browned, set the meat aside. Lamb can also add great flavor to your paella.

Combining The Two

The combining of the rice and meat mixtures is what makes the paella such an interesting and flavorful dish. Cover the bottom of the paella pan with the uncooked rice mixture. Add the browned chicken pieces on top. Add uncooked Merguez (spicy lamb sausages) and small fish filets rolled up and fastened with a toothpick or string. Use any type of fish but make sure that its flesh will hold well together. Pour some chicken broth on top (if the broth is warm the cooking time will reduce). Note that you can also add wine for more flavor. Cover the paella dish and cook for about 45 minutes at 350F or until the rice is cooked. At this point you can add raw shrimp or muscles and cook uncovered for another five minutes.

And there you have it, an interesting dish with something in it that is sure to please everyone!

Going Online For Your Home-Based Business

Your little room converted into a small home office, coupled with your access to the information superhighway or more commonly known as the internet, connecting through your computer with the aid of some simple software application.

You now have a online business and the whole world at your finger tips. This information can be initiated by anyone from any part of the world and accessed by everyone on this planet and even extraterrestrials if they happen to connected to the super highway. Who knows for sure?

The business community and the net surfers on this cyberspace can access products, services and grate opportunities from the comfort of their armchairs or these converted little offices. There is no need to get any government licences or permits to set up and conduct these global businesses.

Building physical structures as the grounds of business, and advertising through local newspapers and large billboards on interstate highways is now held at the helm of the Internet, Finding stalls where you can offer your products or services for sale, or advertise your business through local newspapers or large billboards. This is all for hardcore corporate organisations. But this opens a window of opportunity for you also to known as “the affiliate partners”.

Home office personal computer and a Internet connection,

All you need is your personal computer connected to the Internet, some effective market strategies, little funds, and some self-confidence and you have the makings of a global entrepreneur on a stage set to succeed on conducting business over the Internet.

Internet marketing offers a sudden boost on your home-based business for several reasons. Simple and obvious though they may seem you still need to be careful of some basics. Join the one's that have a track record, how about 20 years. The link below has one such programs that is already working below.

Because of the huge opportunity provided by the information superhighway, millions and millions of people are now getting online to promote and conduct their home-based Internet marketing business. Moreover, there are now hundreds to thousands of stories about individuals who have already made millions of dollars online and still making hundreds to thousands of dollars within weeks.

However, just like the traditional business, there are also hundreds to thousands of stories about individuals who have lost almost everything through Internet marketing because of several reasons. Here's just some

First, they failed to plan their home-based business carefully. Then they failed to plan a strategies on what type of home-based business they want as well as how they will promote. Thus resulting in losing the shirts of their back instead of getting a new one, ones in a while.

Further more they failed to understand some basic Internet Marketing often from listening to some internet guru, flashing cheques with impressive no's on them. All they saw was, that Internet is a “pool of thousand to millions of dollars”.

Despite the opportunities offered, their success will still depends on how they handle their business online. You will just be as good as a “fool” if you do not understand the fundamentals of Internet marketing—it has still two faces: profit or bankruptcy.

It's because of these reasons one need's to chose who they promote and the support they provide in marketing and the products they offer.

Despite some fears the Internet provides a huge opportunity on earning substantial amounts of revenues for your home-based business. However, the success or failure of your Internet marketing business will still depend on how you want it to happen. The choice is yours to make.

A good affiliate program put's together a plan and a system that holds your hand from the beginning to the end, provides full support when you need it and interesting some products so that your customers keep buying from them again and again. After all this is how you are going to make money.


Thinking about starting a home business? Not sure where to begin? Start your home business on a rock-solid base! Consider teaming up with people who know what they are doing. Since 1985, we've helped tens of thousands of men and women worldwide build successful home businesses. And we can help you, too.

As a member of a team you should expect a lot of help from your sponsors in understanding and making the opportunity work for you, you will have direct email excess to help. Help in recruiting your team, but before you make up your mind read and understand what the opportunity is offering you.

All you need to do right now is spend 2 hours of your time on a computer with internet facility. Because I am not going to spill the beans in this article, but I would like you to at least visit the link and give yourself a chance, spend the 2 hours to see for yourself. If it's for you or not, we'll just let you be the judge.Perhaps you are sitting at home today trying to figure out how you can make extra money online by starting an online home business. If you are online right now than you're certainly in the right place at the right time. In this article we want to talk about a start up online home based business idea that anyone can use to start making money today.

Our home based start up online business will contain three elements

1. A market targeting the Internet newbie.

2. A money making website that sells products geared towards this market.

3. An e-mail newsletter to follow up for future sales.

First of all let's talk about what an Internet marketing newbie is. This is a person, maybe such as yourself, that does not know what they are doing when it comes to Internet marketing. They are most likely "brand new" to online home business and are looking for information on exactly how to get started.

This is an excellent target market because if you can provide them with a lead by the hand program and help them get started, not only can you make money, but so can they. The downside to the Internet marketing newbie is that many of them do not have any money and therefore will not be able to create any income for you at first, but if you show them a system that works, and can prove it works, the money will follow.

You will need a money making website that sells products geared towards the Internet newbie because some of this target market will be willing to spend money on training. Your website will contain products to teach people how to start their own online home based business and become successful with Internet marketing.

By catering to this market you can create an income for yourself while helping other people do the same. Plus there is a never ending supply of people coming online every day looking for ways to make money, so you will never run out of leads.

We include an e-mail newsletter in our startup online home based business idea, because the fortune is in the follow-up. When it comes to Internet marketing some people have to see things as many as 5 - 50 times before they will actually make a purchase. By building an email marketing list that you can follow up with over and over, you can create future sales for yourself promoting to your list.

This is an example of one startup online home based business idea. When you analyze our idea you see that you can do the same thing for virtually any product in any niche. It is important that you pick a market to target that will allow you to sell products online, as well as via an autoresponder to follow up with.

Then you spend the majority of your time on advertising and promotion and getting traffic to your new website and email autoresponder. Once you get a steady flow of targeted traffic to your site the money will just start rolling in.

This article is written by Bobby Ryatt & Joel Nickerson

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