Friday, August 20, 2010

Diets that burn your fat would be good weight loss products

1. You need to judiciously earmark all the harmful fat favoring caloric diets including the much hyped latest infomercials offering you instant fat burners. It would be great if do not take much of their advertisements to heart. Ponder logically and consult your family doctor or a dietician in this regard. Their advice would be highly beneficial in helping you resolve your weighty problem.

2. Would you consider this important? Yes, because burning all that extra fat would be the only way to lose weight healthily. The people and companies marketing weight loss items and associated paraphernalia are already in the know that burning fat would you're your body lose substantial weight. And, therefore, have been flooding the internet with rosy pictures of advertisements on burning fat. They do not hold much water though. This article further aims at analyzing five comfortably easy steps involved in a dietary regimen's fat burning process.

3. Analyzing five steps of fat burning foods

a. Keep an eye on the rate at which you are losing weight. How fast are you, as a dieter, losing weight on this food regimen? You should not lose more than two pounds each week.

b. The classic rapid weight loss advertisement is identical to you ?Losing X pounds during Y time?. Thereafter, based on the information given in the advertisement you could calculate the quantum of weight that you have lost each week. To cite an example of a real advertisement that appeared in the year 2003 which read thus: ?Lose ten pounds and four inches in just ten days!?

c. Assessing the situation figuratively would be: You lost weight of 7 pounds in one week at the rate of 1 pound per day. This formulation times 2 implies that you would have lost a total weight of 14 pounds in two weeks. This is an unhealthy weight loss method and spells gross disaster to your body's physiological system, which in turn would damage your body's metabolic activity to a very great extent.

One of the easiest marketing strategies that you can implement is starting a diet club in your town. Here are tips to get your diet club started off right.

1. Host a diet club in your home. If you cannot do it, one of your friends, family members, or colleagues may be willing to be the host, especially when you offer them free samples of your network marketing's company's weight loss product.

2. The host will need to invite six or more people to your diet club. The invitations can look something like this:

"Your Dieting Days are Over!"

The problem with diets is that, whenever you go on a diet, eventually you have to get off the diet. What usually happens? The weight returns.

*Drink a shake. Lose weight! Eat a cookie. Lose weight! Try these and other fun and easy ways to lose weight!

*Never be hungry! (that's better than willpower!)

*Enjoy great tasting cookies between meals!

*Lose weight and keep it off!

Come to our diet club kick off! Meet new friends, bring your favorite dish and recipe, and lose weight while snacking with us!

Fun! Healthy! Plus it all tastes so good!

Tuesday, April 18th, 150 broad Avenue, Winchester, VA

3. Purchase a scale so that you will have one for the official "weigh-in".

4. Plan to have your diet club meet on the same day and time every week. Every member will need to weigh in each week. The member who loses the most weight will get to keep the special "Weight Loss Trophy" for the week. You will need to remind them to bring it back for the next group meeting's winner. When you do it like this, you will only need to purchase one trophy.

5. The member that loses the least amount of weight or gains the most gets a booby prize. This can be anything, such as an embarrassing poster they have to put on their refrigerator for the week. Get creative! Whoever gets the booby prize will need to bring it back to the next meeting so that the new winner can receive it.

6. After the weigh-in, trophy, and booby prize awards, give your diet club members a tip or two about proper eating and dieting. Share with them how your weight loss product can help them meet their goals.

7. Lastly, socialize! Share recipes, give out cookies, shakes, or whatever weight loss product your network marketing company promotes. Dig into the delicious dishes that members bring. Overall, just enjoy the fellowship and then repeat next week!

That's it! This is all it takes to start your own diet club in your hometown. Your members will appreciate your efforts, and it's highly likely you will get lots of orders for your weight loss products! So, get going with your first diet club today!

This article is written by Venkata Ramana & Monique Hawkins

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