Thursday, August 26, 2010

Backache Treated Via Aromatherapy?

There are many different types of back pain, from upper and lower back to chronic pain (back pain is pain that is daily and lasts longer than two weeks) that may come from:

? Poor Posture, not standing up straight, not wearing supportive shoes or very high heels

? Injury or straining your back as a result of picking up or carrying something that was too heavy to lift

? Sleeping wrong, or on a mattress that isn't adequately supporting your weight

? Pregnancy ? the growth of the woman's baby and the size of her abdomen throw the body terribly out of alignment and off balance.

? Being over weight - A person who is overweight tends to accumulate fat around the abdomen and loose the muscles. When this occurs, it throws the posture and balance out of alignment and the back is then used to make up the difference.

It is important that you a careful with your back when at you place of work or at home. This may mean that you wear a back brace at work when picking up heavy objects and use your legs when lifting. Also, you should always bend at your knees when picking something up. Many people make the mistake of bending at the waist to pick up heavy objects and this can result in strained back muscles, or back injury.

Another good way to prevent back pain is to keep an eye on your weight and to exercise. Being overweight can lead to chronic back pain. When the abdomen becomes overstretched and the stomach muscles are lost, stomach muscles help support the back, the back muscles will be used to counteract the effect of slack abdomen muscles. By keeping the abdomen toned and not becoming overweight and exercising you can save yourself from having a bad back.

Part of your exercise can be some gentle Yoga stretching exercises. Always check with your chiropractor or doctor before starting any exercise, but Yoga is wonderful for the spine and most likely will be recommended by your doctor.

Additionally aromatherapy can be a great help to you in treating your backache.

Aromatherapy massage can be a wonderful tool in treating chronic back pain. There are many natural essential plants, and essential oils, that contain the healing properties and can be massaged into the skin will relieve pain and pressure at the cellular level.

It is important to make sure that if you feel any strong pain, then to stop the massage at once.

If you are pregnant, it is important to read the safety precautions on the label and make sure that you don't use any essential oils that can cause harm or danger to the baby.

A great massage oil for back pain and ailments may be made by using two drops of Eucalyptus oil, two drops of Lavender oil, and 1 drop of Lemon oil. Take this blend and add it to 1 ounce of carrier oil. A great carrier oil to use for this blend is jojoba oil.

You can get more from the essential oils by heating your massage oil before using it. You can heat it by putting the oil in an amber colored jar, then placing it in a bowl of hot water. Don't try to microwave it, this can cause the oil to become too hot and burn the recipient during the massage.

You can also take hot oil baths to relieve the pain after the massage. There are many natural essential oils that will help relieve the pain. To make a great hot aromatic pain-relieving bath, use 10 drops of Eucalyptus and 10 drops of Peppermint added to your bath.

Soak in the hot bath for at least 20 minutes to achieve the full therapeutic benefits.

If you are pregnant, make sure that you read the safety precautions on the label of any essential oils that you are using.

Generate Higher Returns from Your Innovation Investments: 4 of 10

From our series of highly informational articles, companies will learn: how to treat innovation as a cross-functional business process, how to align innovation execution and business strategy; how to create sustainable innovation; how to train your senior executives to successfully execute innovation initiatives; how to effectively manage process and project management; how to measure performance of your processes; how to ensure broad stakeholder buy-in; how to understand the importance of product roadmaps; how to provide the tools necessary for successful product innovation; and finally, how to ensure that portfolio management coincides with process management.

Here is one of the ten practices that leading innovators use to increase the payback from innovation spending: Training Your Senior Executives to Successfully Execute Innovation Initiatives.

Training Your Senior Executives to Successfully Execute Innovation Initiatives

It's imperative that senior management comprehend and actively support the processes that govern and drive innovation within your organization. Unless your executives know the role they need to play in those processes, it's unlikely that your organization will see anything more than incremental improvements in its return on innovation spending. Senior leaders need to understand:

1. The benefits of having a structured, automated innovation process.
By providing a common framework for executives and process owners to review and discuss project information, you will enable them to make better, more informed decisions. This provision will also help development teams execute more efficiently on product plans.

2. How to prepare for ?go/kill? decision meetings about proposed new products.
If an executive has visibility to key projects in your development pipeline, and understands the impact (positive or negative) that those projects will have on the top and bottom line, he/she will make investment decisions more quickly and confidently.

3. The function and value of using specific, consistent scorecard criteria to evaluate new product ideas.
This practice dramatically heightens the probability that your organization will end up focusing on winning, high-value projects.

4. How to manage gate meetings to get the information needed for sound investment and resource allocation decisions.
It's imperative that executives be willing to play an active role in facilitating project decision-making. Your organization can help them to be proactive rather than reactive by involving them in projects from the start.

For more information on the top practices that leading innovators use to increase their returns on innovation spending, look for the next article in our ten-part series: Effectively Managing Process and Project Management.

This article is written by Bryan Seyfarth

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