Thursday, August 26, 2010

Does Your Child Have Touch Sensitivity?

It could be that your child has a sensory motor integration deficit known as tactile defensiveness or touch sensitivity.

What is Touch Sensitivity?

The sense of touch is essential for normal social and emotional development. It is this system that allows us to make the deepest connections with others. It is through touch that the mother and child bond to each other. We connect most closely with our spouses through touch.

Touch also serves a protective function. It is through tactile discomfort or pain that we realize that things like fire are dangerous. Painful or unpleasant touch experiences tell us to prepare for a physical threat that might require a need to run away or retaliate.

In some people this tactile sensory system is not functioning properly. These people experience pain or distress from touch sensations that other people find non-threatening or even pleasant. These individuals suffer from a disorder called touch sensitivity or tactile defensiveness, a sensory integration disorder.

Children with touch sensitivity are often in the state of "red alert". These children are threatened by sensations that others would see as meaningless. Children with touch sensitivity also experience tactile sensations differently than others. A sensation that we would experience as soft may be painful to them. The result is that often their behavior is affected. Casual contact can cause what others view as extreme and inappropriate reactions. These children may whine cling lash out or run away as a result of normal things in their environment.

Sensory motor integration deficits need not affect a child's learning ability, but the resulting reaction often does. A child with touch sensitivity is constantly on the defense. He can be emotionally insecure and extremely distractible. This is one of the ways that tactile defensiveness differs from ADD ADHD. ADHD children have difficulty sustaining attention, but they are not more easily distracted than other children. Small stimuli that would not affect an ADHD child who is engaged in an activity, may cause disturb a touch sensitive child.

To give you an idea of how these children experience the world, imagine the feeling you have when someone scrapes his nails along a blackboard, or the feeling you have when you cut your nails too short. This is how a touch sensitive child might experience a warm caress. There is a difference, however. When you cut your nails too short, it bothers you for a while, but the discomfort goes away. If a child is touch sensitive, the discomfort never goes away.

The child may not be able to wear his dress pants because the feel of wool is too uncomfortable to bear. He may not be able to concentrate in school because he is enduring the hardness of the chair or the rush of air blowing on him from the ventilation system. He may be quick to lash out when another child bumps him, because of the perceived attack by the other child. He may be unable to make friends because of the fear of being bumped prevents him from interacting in a normal fashion.

Sensory integration disorders may interfere with the relationship between spouses. Normal daily contact may disturb them, and they may avoid physical contact with their spouses even when such contact is appropriate. This desire not to be touched can have a seriously negative impact on a marriage.

What You Might See

Here are some of the things that may indicate that your child is touch sensitive. Your child may be touch sensitive if he:

Reacts strongly to sensations that most people don't notice.

Tries to avoid tactile experiences.

Is easily distracted because things are touching him.

Insists on having certain textures of clothing.

Makes you cut all the tags and labels out of his clothing.

Won't eat certain foods because of their texture.

Craves certain sensations the he finds calming, like rocking or firm pressure.

Fights irrationally when you are combing or shampooing his hair, cutting his fingernails, or brushing his teeth.

In adults and children with sensory motor integration deficits the palms of the hands, soles of feet, mouth and tongue are usually most sensitive areas.

Coexisting Disorders

Touch sensitivity is a sensory integration problem. Although this disorder can exist by itself, more often it is part of a constellation of other problems that children have. Children with touch sensitivity often have the following other disorders:

Motor coordination problems


Speech and language delays

Hand-eye coordination difficulties

Motor planning difficulties


Frequent ear infections

Poor eating habits

Problems with digestion & elimination

Sleep irregularities

High anxiety and emotional insecurity

In addition there are a number of medical disorders that commonly have touch sensitivity as a component. These include: Asperger's Syndrome



Bipolar Disorder

Down Syndrome

Dyslexia Fetal alcohol syndrome

Fragile X

Learning Disabilities

Obsessive compulsive disorder

Pervasive developmental delay

Selective mutism


Like so many other disorders of the brain and complex neurological function, we do not know why children and adults have sensory integration disorders. In medicine, when we don't know the cause of something we like to say that the cause is idiopathic. This is a term which is a term derived from Greek or Latin or some other dead language, which means "we don't know."

However as scientists, not knowing something makes us very uncomfortable. Therefore there a number of theories on what causes disturbances in sensory processing. There are at least five competing hypotheses. The most recent research suggests that the abnormality may lie in the cerebellum, the part of the brain that modulates sensory motor activity. There might be something to these theories. However, based upon the review of current literature it seems to me clearly, that the cause of touch sensitivity is idiopathic.

What Should You Do Next?

Touch sensitivity is a sensory motor integration deficit. The goal of treatment is to repair the sensory processing disorder by giving the child a means to develop his or her sensory integration. The goal of therapy is to normalize sensory integration and motor planning by improving the way the nervous system registers and interprets tactile information.

Treatment of touch sensitivity is usually done under the auspices of an occupational therapist. If you feel that your child may have touch sensitivity you should first try to confirm the diagnosis by going to someone who is trained in diagnosing sensory integration problems. You should first consult your pediatrician with your concern and try to get a referral to a Pediatric Occupational Therapy Service for diagnosis and treatment. They will manage your child's treatment plan and teach you what you can do at home to help your child.


Touch sensitivity is one of a number of sensory motor integration deficits that affect children. It often accompanies other disorders such as ADHD, Bipolar disorder, and other developmental childhood disorders.

I have not seen any statistics, but it seems that sensory integration disorders are fairly common. This condition can be severely handicapping. However, it is possible to treat. If you feel that your child may have this condition, it is definitely in your child's best interest to have a thorough evaluation by an Occupational therapist trained in sensory integration and motor planning.

How to Find the Time to Get the Skills You Need

?I know I need to know how to create spreadsheets and update my database, but I just can't find the time!? Does this sound like you? So many professionals and small business owners need to learn more about computer applications in order to function more effectively in their jobs. Finding a good time to get the training you need to do your job can be challenging for many business owners and professionals.

If you find yourself registering to attend computer classes, but then having to cancel because something always seems to come up at the last minute, you are not alone. Many business people have a hard time planning ahead of time to attend training sessions that are scheduled for specific times. However, finding training classes at the last minute is nearly impossible, because good classes fill up quickly. It can be very frustrating to know that you need to improve your skills, but to be unable to find time to do so.

That's where online training comes in. E-learning classes are available in every topic imaginable, from basic computer skills through how to design and market your company's website. By selecting an online training option, your computer can become your classroom. Instead of leaving work or home to go to class, literally your class can be delivered right to your desktop, any time that you want it. Whether you have time to work on developing your skills first think in the morning, last thing at night, or even in the airport between flights, you can fit e-learning into your schedule.

Many companies that offer instructor-led training are expanding their programs to include comprehensive online training options, as a way of making high quality training accessible to clients who aren't able to attend pre-scheduled classes. It is common for training providers to received training requests from people who just cannot work out their schedules to attend the classes they need. An online curriculum is often the best choice for these individuals.

The great thing about advanced e-learning technology is that people who want to learn new skills can do so in their own time and at their own pace. Online classes are the ideal solution for individuals who need to find a convenient, affordable, and easily accessible way to improve their skills. The beauty of the e-learning environment is that you can choose exactly what you need to learn, and complete your training at times convenient to you, in the locations of your choice.

Whether your goal is to master the computer applications skills that will help you run your business more effectively, to earn your real estate license, or to complete continuing education licensing requirements for your profession, there is an excellent online training program that will meet your needs.

This article is written by Mary Gormandy White

Backache Treated Via Aromatherapy?

There are many different types of back pain, from upper and lower back to chronic pain (back pain is pain that is daily and lasts longer than two weeks) that may come from:

? Poor Posture, not standing up straight, not wearing supportive shoes or very high heels

? Injury or straining your back as a result of picking up or carrying something that was too heavy to lift

? Sleeping wrong, or on a mattress that isn't adequately supporting your weight

? Pregnancy ? the growth of the woman's baby and the size of her abdomen throw the body terribly out of alignment and off balance.

? Being over weight - A person who is overweight tends to accumulate fat around the abdomen and loose the muscles. When this occurs, it throws the posture and balance out of alignment and the back is then used to make up the difference.

It is important that you a careful with your back when at you place of work or at home. This may mean that you wear a back brace at work when picking up heavy objects and use your legs when lifting. Also, you should always bend at your knees when picking something up. Many people make the mistake of bending at the waist to pick up heavy objects and this can result in strained back muscles, or back injury.

Another good way to prevent back pain is to keep an eye on your weight and to exercise. Being overweight can lead to chronic back pain. When the abdomen becomes overstretched and the stomach muscles are lost, stomach muscles help support the back, the back muscles will be used to counteract the effect of slack abdomen muscles. By keeping the abdomen toned and not becoming overweight and exercising you can save yourself from having a bad back.

Part of your exercise can be some gentle Yoga stretching exercises. Always check with your chiropractor or doctor before starting any exercise, but Yoga is wonderful for the spine and most likely will be recommended by your doctor.

Additionally aromatherapy can be a great help to you in treating your backache.

Aromatherapy massage can be a wonderful tool in treating chronic back pain. There are many natural essential plants, and essential oils, that contain the healing properties and can be massaged into the skin will relieve pain and pressure at the cellular level.

It is important to make sure that if you feel any strong pain, then to stop the massage at once.

If you are pregnant, it is important to read the safety precautions on the label and make sure that you don't use any essential oils that can cause harm or danger to the baby.

A great massage oil for back pain and ailments may be made by using two drops of Eucalyptus oil, two drops of Lavender oil, and 1 drop of Lemon oil. Take this blend and add it to 1 ounce of carrier oil. A great carrier oil to use for this blend is jojoba oil.

You can get more from the essential oils by heating your massage oil before using it. You can heat it by putting the oil in an amber colored jar, then placing it in a bowl of hot water. Don't try to microwave it, this can cause the oil to become too hot and burn the recipient during the massage.

You can also take hot oil baths to relieve the pain after the massage. There are many natural essential oils that will help relieve the pain. To make a great hot aromatic pain-relieving bath, use 10 drops of Eucalyptus and 10 drops of Peppermint added to your bath.

Soak in the hot bath for at least 20 minutes to achieve the full therapeutic benefits.

If you are pregnant, make sure that you read the safety precautions on the label of any essential oils that you are using.

Generate Higher Returns from Your Innovation Investments: 4 of 10

From our series of highly informational articles, companies will learn: how to treat innovation as a cross-functional business process, how to align innovation execution and business strategy; how to create sustainable innovation; how to train your senior executives to successfully execute innovation initiatives; how to effectively manage process and project management; how to measure performance of your processes; how to ensure broad stakeholder buy-in; how to understand the importance of product roadmaps; how to provide the tools necessary for successful product innovation; and finally, how to ensure that portfolio management coincides with process management.

Here is one of the ten practices that leading innovators use to increase the payback from innovation spending: Training Your Senior Executives to Successfully Execute Innovation Initiatives.

Training Your Senior Executives to Successfully Execute Innovation Initiatives

It's imperative that senior management comprehend and actively support the processes that govern and drive innovation within your organization. Unless your executives know the role they need to play in those processes, it's unlikely that your organization will see anything more than incremental improvements in its return on innovation spending. Senior leaders need to understand:

1. The benefits of having a structured, automated innovation process.
By providing a common framework for executives and process owners to review and discuss project information, you will enable them to make better, more informed decisions. This provision will also help development teams execute more efficiently on product plans.

2. How to prepare for ?go/kill? decision meetings about proposed new products.
If an executive has visibility to key projects in your development pipeline, and understands the impact (positive or negative) that those projects will have on the top and bottom line, he/she will make investment decisions more quickly and confidently.

3. The function and value of using specific, consistent scorecard criteria to evaluate new product ideas.
This practice dramatically heightens the probability that your organization will end up focusing on winning, high-value projects.

4. How to manage gate meetings to get the information needed for sound investment and resource allocation decisions.
It's imperative that executives be willing to play an active role in facilitating project decision-making. Your organization can help them to be proactive rather than reactive by involving them in projects from the start.

For more information on the top practices that leading innovators use to increase their returns on innovation spending, look for the next article in our ten-part series: Effectively Managing Process and Project Management.

This article is written by Bryan Seyfarth

Prepare Paella Like A Pro

Preparing paella is an interesting endeavour for any cook. This dish does not really have a set list of ingredients but is mostly a combination of different meats and vegetables. In fact, the The American Heritage Dictionary of the English Language, refers to paella as a saffron-flavored dish made with varying combinations of rice, vegetables, meat, chicken and seafood.

The meal is prepared in a pot - all the ingredients meld together in the pot while cooking to create the dishes great taste. This pot cooking is so closely associated with this dish that it's name, paella means frying pan or pot in Old French and Catalan languages.

Paella is a great dish to make if you want to clean out the fridge and use up leftover meats and vegetables. Any combination will eventually be great the secret is in the chemistry. Paella is a dish that is generally made to feed several people. Moreover, paella is quite flavorful the next day as the tastes have had time to mix together and become stronger.

The secret to a good paella is being creative, therefore there are many recipes one can follow. But since a recipe is not necessary, nor desirable, the basic steps to creating this dish are outlined below. It's up to you to provide the creativity in ingredients to make the dish your own!

Making The Rice

You can use whatever kind of rice you like. A wild rice can add interesting flavor and texture to the dish, but if you prefer brown or white feel free to go with. Frying the rice as outlined below will give it a nutty flavor.

Wash the rice and set aside
Chop tomato, onion ad garlic
Heat olive oil in a skillet, and once the oil is hot (but not smoking) toss in the rice
Add the onion, garlic and tomato after a minute or two

Stir until the onion, tomato and garlic are soft. Don't let the rice mixture overcook - 3 to 5 minutes is plenty of time. At the end of the cooking, you can spice it with whatever spices you like. Some common spices for paella are saffron, salt and pepper but you could add cayenne, cinnamon or any other herbs that you and your guests prefer.

Remove the mixture from the burner and toss in some frozen peas. Not too many as you don't want to overpower the rice but just enough to add a little accent.

Preparing The Meat

In a frying pan at high heat, brown some pieces of chicken. Upper thighs, drumsticks,'s all good. Do not cook the meat completely but brown the outside. Once browned, set the meat aside. Lamb can also add great flavor to your paella.

Combining The Two

The combining of the rice and meat mixtures is what makes the paella such an interesting and flavorful dish. Cover the bottom of the paella pan with the uncooked rice mixture. Add the browned chicken pieces on top. Add uncooked Merguez (spicy lamb sausages) and small fish filets rolled up and fastened with a toothpick or string. Use any type of fish but make sure that its flesh will hold well together. Pour some chicken broth on top (if the broth is warm the cooking time will reduce). Note that you can also add wine for more flavor. Cover the paella dish and cook for about 45 minutes at 350F or until the rice is cooked. At this point you can add raw shrimp or muscles and cook uncovered for another five minutes.

And there you have it, an interesting dish with something in it that is sure to please everyone!

Going Online For Your Home-Based Business

Your little room converted into a small home office, coupled with your access to the information superhighway or more commonly known as the internet, connecting through your computer with the aid of some simple software application.

You now have a online business and the whole world at your finger tips. This information can be initiated by anyone from any part of the world and accessed by everyone on this planet and even extraterrestrials if they happen to connected to the super highway. Who knows for sure?

The business community and the net surfers on this cyberspace can access products, services and grate opportunities from the comfort of their armchairs or these converted little offices. There is no need to get any government licences or permits to set up and conduct these global businesses.

Building physical structures as the grounds of business, and advertising through local newspapers and large billboards on interstate highways is now held at the helm of the Internet, Finding stalls where you can offer your products or services for sale, or advertise your business through local newspapers or large billboards. This is all for hardcore corporate organisations. But this opens a window of opportunity for you also to known as “the affiliate partners”.

Home office personal computer and a Internet connection,

All you need is your personal computer connected to the Internet, some effective market strategies, little funds, and some self-confidence and you have the makings of a global entrepreneur on a stage set to succeed on conducting business over the Internet.

Internet marketing offers a sudden boost on your home-based business for several reasons. Simple and obvious though they may seem you still need to be careful of some basics. Join the one's that have a track record, how about 20 years. The link below has one such programs that is already working below.

Because of the huge opportunity provided by the information superhighway, millions and millions of people are now getting online to promote and conduct their home-based Internet marketing business. Moreover, there are now hundreds to thousands of stories about individuals who have already made millions of dollars online and still making hundreds to thousands of dollars within weeks.

However, just like the traditional business, there are also hundreds to thousands of stories about individuals who have lost almost everything through Internet marketing because of several reasons. Here's just some

First, they failed to plan their home-based business carefully. Then they failed to plan a strategies on what type of home-based business they want as well as how they will promote. Thus resulting in losing the shirts of their back instead of getting a new one, ones in a while.

Further more they failed to understand some basic Internet Marketing often from listening to some internet guru, flashing cheques with impressive no's on them. All they saw was, that Internet is a “pool of thousand to millions of dollars”.

Despite the opportunities offered, their success will still depends on how they handle their business online. You will just be as good as a “fool” if you do not understand the fundamentals of Internet marketing—it has still two faces: profit or bankruptcy.

It's because of these reasons one need's to chose who they promote and the support they provide in marketing and the products they offer.

Despite some fears the Internet provides a huge opportunity on earning substantial amounts of revenues for your home-based business. However, the success or failure of your Internet marketing business will still depend on how you want it to happen. The choice is yours to make.

A good affiliate program put's together a plan and a system that holds your hand from the beginning to the end, provides full support when you need it and interesting some products so that your customers keep buying from them again and again. After all this is how you are going to make money.


Thinking about starting a home business? Not sure where to begin? Start your home business on a rock-solid base! Consider teaming up with people who know what they are doing. Since 1985, we've helped tens of thousands of men and women worldwide build successful home businesses. And we can help you, too.

As a member of a team you should expect a lot of help from your sponsors in understanding and making the opportunity work for you, you will have direct email excess to help. Help in recruiting your team, but before you make up your mind read and understand what the opportunity is offering you.

All you need to do right now is spend 2 hours of your time on a computer with internet facility. Because I am not going to spill the beans in this article, but I would like you to at least visit the link and give yourself a chance, spend the 2 hours to see for yourself. If it's for you or not, we'll just let you be the judge.Perhaps you are sitting at home today trying to figure out how you can make extra money online by starting an online home business. If you are online right now than you're certainly in the right place at the right time. In this article we want to talk about a start up online home based business idea that anyone can use to start making money today.

Our home based start up online business will contain three elements

1. A market targeting the Internet newbie.

2. A money making website that sells products geared towards this market.

3. An e-mail newsletter to follow up for future sales.

First of all let's talk about what an Internet marketing newbie is. This is a person, maybe such as yourself, that does not know what they are doing when it comes to Internet marketing. They are most likely "brand new" to online home business and are looking for information on exactly how to get started.

This is an excellent target market because if you can provide them with a lead by the hand program and help them get started, not only can you make money, but so can they. The downside to the Internet marketing newbie is that many of them do not have any money and therefore will not be able to create any income for you at first, but if you show them a system that works, and can prove it works, the money will follow.

You will need a money making website that sells products geared towards the Internet newbie because some of this target market will be willing to spend money on training. Your website will contain products to teach people how to start their own online home based business and become successful with Internet marketing.

By catering to this market you can create an income for yourself while helping other people do the same. Plus there is a never ending supply of people coming online every day looking for ways to make money, so you will never run out of leads.

We include an e-mail newsletter in our startup online home based business idea, because the fortune is in the follow-up. When it comes to Internet marketing some people have to see things as many as 5 - 50 times before they will actually make a purchase. By building an email marketing list that you can follow up with over and over, you can create future sales for yourself promoting to your list.

This is an example of one startup online home based business idea. When you analyze our idea you see that you can do the same thing for virtually any product in any niche. It is important that you pick a market to target that will allow you to sell products online, as well as via an autoresponder to follow up with.

Then you spend the majority of your time on advertising and promotion and getting traffic to your new website and email autoresponder. Once you get a steady flow of targeted traffic to your site the money will just start rolling in.

This article is written by Bobby Ryatt & Joel Nickerson

Is The P90X Workout System Worth the Investment?

The P90X DVD workout system is one of the hottest selling home exercise systems currently on the market. But at approximately $120 plus equipment costs, it isn't cheap. Many people who have seen the late night infomercials or read about the P90X workout system online wonder if it is really worth the investment.

Most people who are embarking on a new workout regimen are not doing so for the first time. We have all tried and failed with various programs in the past. That is why something as promising as the P90X training system looks so tempting.

The P90X workout system is a combination of 12 diverse and intense workouts on DVDs, a nutritional plan, an online support forum and a detailed fitness guide. Online reviews and P90X users who have blogged about their progress all showcase striking results using this 90-day workout program.

A very important thing that P90X users overwhelmingly report is that this program is extremely challenging. It is not the best workout for a person who is currently sedentary looking to begin a workout routine. This is for people who have already achieved a moderate level of fitness and are looking to take their bodies to the next level.

So what makes the P90X such a successful workout? Here are a few reasons why this workout program works as well as it does:


The P90X promotes something they call "muscle confusion." This is when the body's muscles are constantly challenged with new moves and routines. A person's fitness level never plateaus and they are never bored with the workout routine because it is different every day. By combining cardio, strength training, core training and even yoga, every aspect of fitness is covered. This is key because most people quit a workout program because they either get bored with the routine or they stop seeing results.

Nutrition Program

Anyone who has tried to transform their body knows that exercise alone cannot make big enough changes. The key to any successful workout program is pairing intense training with a healthy food plan. The P90X plan comes with comprehensive nutritional guidelines that steer users toward better eating habits. This is key not only for weight loss, but also for nourishing the body properly as it undertakes this intense workout schedule. The nutritional guidelines actually call for an increase in caloric intake to compensate for what is lost during the sessions and also to help build lean muscle mass.


Because the P90X workout is so intense, it is often a struggle for users to maintain the proper caloric and protein intake to allow their body to heal in between sessions. That is why they also offer energy bars and drinks to supplement the nutritional program. Used immediately following an intense workout, these products fuel the muscles directly to achieve maximum results.


The detailed fitness guide comes with various options for creating a training system to meet any goals. There are ways to customize the DVD's in order to highlight weight loss in the P90X Lean program and the Double program adds a second hour-long workout to some of the days for added results.

Sleep Apnea - Does Your Child Suffer From It

It is estimated that 2% to 4% of children in the United States under the age of ten suffer from childhood sleep apnea. These children frequently display behaviors and/or symptoms that are generally associated with other childhood disorders, not sleep apnea. These behaviors may include the tendency to resist going to sleep, restless or interrupted sleep patterns, bedwetting, irritability, depression, a diminished ability to learn and thrive academically, and excessive frustration or aggression. Unfortunately, because these behaviors are indicative of other serious disorders, many children are misdiagnosed with behavioral disorders such as Oppositional-Defiant Disorder, Bipolar Disorder, and Attention Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD). As a result, childhood sleep apnea often goes unnoticed and untreated.

In addition to behavioral problems, childhood sleep apnea can also cause serious health problems. There is an increased risk of high blood pressure, obesity, heart disease and stroke. In some cases, it can also cause a condition known as failure to thrive where the child fails to grow and gain weight at a normal rate. In infants, sleep apnea can lead to sudden infant death syndrome (SIDS) if left undiagnosed.

Children that suffer from sleep apnea often exhibit symptoms while they are asleep that are easily recognizable. Some of the more common symptoms include raspy breathing while they are asleep, light snoring in infants and toddlers or loud snoring in older children, breathing through the mouth instead of the nose, restless sleep that includes kicking and rolling around, gasping for air or choking while they are asleep, and pauses in breathing while they are asleep. All of these symptoms tend to have a negative impact on the way a child functions during the day. They may seem lethargic and/or have difficulty concentrating.

One of the most common forms of childhood sleep apnea is Obstructive Sleep Apnea (OSA), which is the actual blockage of the airways when the child is sleeping. The blockages can occur is several different ways. Children tend to have large tonsils and adenoids that are relatively close to the opening of their airways. When they lie down, the tonsils and adenoids fall into a position that block the airways, which causes episodes of sleep apnea. Obesity can also cause OSA. When a child is overweight, it tends to put more pressure on the airways, which in turn can lead to breathing difficulties. Facial or cranial deformities and neuromuscular disorders can also cause OSA. When the muscles in the throat relax during sleep they can block the airways.

In order to determine whether or not a child has sleep apnea they will have to undergo a sleep study. If they are diagnosed with this disorder there are several things that can be done to treat it. In many cases, the solution is to have the child's tonsils and adenoids surgically removed. In many cases, the apnea episodes completely subside after surgery. If surgery is not suitable, another option is a Continuous Positive Airflow Pressure Machine, also known as a CPAP machine. This machine delivers continuous air into the child's airways, forcing them to breath.

Childhood sleep apnea is a serious disorder that can have a negative effect on a child's quality of life. If your child exhibits any of the symptoms or behavioral problems associated with sleep apnea, have them tested. It is not difficult to treat and eliminating it can make a world of difference to a child that is suffering from it.

Pbs Kids To The Rescue

PBS has been a leader in providing quality programs for children for nearly forty years, including classics such as Sesame Street, Mr. Rogers, Reading Rainbow and many more. Most of the children's programs not only teach valuable skills, such as reading and math, but they include some inside jokes for the grownups, making it enjoyable for all.

Some of the newer shows are quickly becoming classics in their own right. Here are some of the more recent additions to the PBS Kids line up that will be sure to be future favorites.

Between the Lions – Following in the footsteps of The Electric Company, Between the Lions helps kids learn to read, with phonics lessons hidden in song and silliness. This often “punny” show focuses on a pride of librarian lions and a menagerie of other puppets. Segments such as “Gawain's Word” (where two knights “blend on” and make a new word as they joust), “Cliff Hanger” and “Sam Spud” spoof popular movies, giving the parents a chuckle while the kids learn.

Jakers! The Adventure of Piggly Winks – This delightful computer animated series is a gem. There aren't as many episodes of Jakers! as some of the other shows on PBS, so some stations only carry it occasionally. Each episode begins with Grandpa Piggly Winks spending time with his grandchildren, telling them stories of his childhood. Then the audience is treated to his flashbacks of his imagination-filled adventures with his friends on a farm in Ireland. Each episode also has a segment, featuring real grandparents.

Cyberchase – For years, most of the PBS Kids shows focused on reading skills, but then they introduced Cyberchase. This show taps into the popularity of the internet and teaches about math and logic. It follows the adventures of three young people who are pulled into “Cyberspace” to battle The Hacker (voiced by Christopher Lloyd), to keep him from taking over “Cyberspace”. Each episode also features a live segment where the lesson learned during the cartoon is reinforced in “real world” situations.

In addition to the shows, the PBS Kids' website offers the opportunity to explore through games based on their favorite shows. It also has great parent resources to help encourage young learners.

This article is written by Adriana Copaceanu

Monday, August 23, 2010

Monitor Calorie Burn

The simple fact is that that harder we exercise, the more benefit we gain from our workouts. Of course, the harder we workout, the faster our heart beats. That is where much of the benefit of exercise comes. We work our heart to make it a better functioning and healthier organ. The problem is that we need to know how hard our heart is working. Not only do we want our heart rate to increase as we workout to achieve maximum benefits from our exercise, but we do not want to over work the heart. This is where the heart rate monitor comes in. As you become fitter, the heart needs to work less to move the blood around your body. Most fitness experts say "Effective aerobic conditioning requires that you maintain your heart rate at the proper intensity level for at least 20 minutes per workout". However, if your heart rate is too high, your exercise can become counter effective. For beginners, it is important not to push too hard. You do not want your heart beat to exceed the most beneficial upper limit of more than 85% more than your normal heart rate.

This article is written by Muna Wa Wanjiru

Sunday, August 22, 2010

Disadvantages of Reverse Osmosis

Reverse osmosis is a term you might have heard about. You might also have heard about the disadvantages of reverse osmosis. Home reverse osmosis systems exist, but they're being replaced by filtration designs capable of meeting the needs of the private sector.

Let us take their advantages and disadvantages at the same time. The advantages can only be found in the commercial sector. The disadvantages of reverse osmosis in the home sector match step with every commercial advantage of the design. In the commercial sector it performed well in the role it was specifically designed to fill, desalination. Then it was used in the printing industry to supply clean water to its machines.

But when it came to the residential part it failed miserably. It could not live up to the hype its owners said it would. What are some of the main disadvantages of reverse osmosis? We will tell you in a minute. Home reverse osmosis systems are just that, reverse.

The home reverse osmosis systems take too long to filter water. They take about three to four hours to filter one gallon of water. This is one of the disadvantages of reverse osmosis.

This article is written by Gordon Hall & Olivia Romero

Saturday, August 21, 2010

Rhinoplasty Costs and What Insurance May Cover

Rhinoplasty, more commonly known as a "nose job," is becoming more common, but it is still a costly procedure - especially if it is being performed solely for cosmetic reasons. The only way to know the exact cost of rhinoplasty is to consult with a plastic surgeon, but you can bet on some average costs.

Initial Consultation Fee

In order to find out whether rhinoplasty is right for you, you will need to talk to a plastic surgeon who will evaluate your skin and facial features. During this consultation, he will also determine whether or not your surgery is medically necessary. Cosmetic surgeries are not covered by insurance, but if you need the surgery in order to improve your breathing insurance may pay all or part of the cost.

The initial consultation must be set up through the doctor's office, and you should consider getting recommendations from friends and associates before making the appointment. A consultation can run from $150 to $300 or more depending on the area of the country and the quality of the surgeon.

If you really want or need to have a rhinoplasty procedure, you must be willing to pay for this cost out of pocket. Some insurance companies will reimburse the cost of the consultation, but most will require that it come out of your pocket.

Average Rhinoplasty Cost

Rhinoplasty procedures in the United States average between $3000 and $8000 for the entire procedure, though some specialty plastic surgeons may charge even more. This average cost includes the surgical procedure, the anesthesia fee, and the facility fee. Initial consultations and follow-up visits may add to the total cost. The cost will depend on the type of procedure you are having as well, so ask your surgeon's office to give you a breakdown of the numbers.

What Insurance Does NOT Cover

Insurance does not cover purely cosmetic rhinoplasty surgeries. If you think your nose is too big or too crooked, the insurance company isn't likely to care. They will refuse to pay any related costs.

What Insurance Does Cover

Insurance will usually cover any procedure that is considered medically necessary. For example, if a child is suffering from a birth defect like a cleft palate, most insurance companies are willing to pay part or all of the cost. If you are having difficulty breathing due to some type of accident or illness, insurance companies will often agree to pay at least a portion of the cost of a rhinoplasty.

Check with Your Insurance Provider

Always double check the numbers and rules with both your doctor and your insurance provider. Most doctors' offices will handle all the insurance claims for you, but you may need to double check on coverage with your insurance company before the procedure. Remember to get their agreement (how much they'll pay and when they'll pay it) in writing so that they can't change their minds.

This article is written by Amber Smith

The Summer Music Festival And Music School In Aspen

The Aspen Music Festival and School has been known all over the world since 1949 when it was founded by visionaries like Walter Paepcke and his wife Elizabeth of Chicago with the explicit purpose of promoting growth in human spirit through the bringing together of art and nature. It presents world-class music in a very intimate, and small town atmosphere

It is renowned across the globe for its high level training as well as for providing a launch pad for the careers of the worlds next generation professional musicians. It successfully presents 200 musical events over a period of nine weeks. It is also a preferred sanctuary and haven for premier intellectuals and masters of music.

What differentiates The Aspen Music Festival and School from other summer school programs is the amazing comprehensiveness and depth of its training programs for its students. Its training programs include the following; orchestra, opera, piano, guitar and modern music along with anatomies of training in music.

As well as its excellent, reputation for producing concrete programs, The Aspen Music Festival and School is most famous for its eminent and highly qualified faculty which has a huge amount of experience in every aspect of music making and the music industry for student to tap into.

These days, its body of students is made up of students of all ages, from the age of eight to sixty eight from 39 countries around the world culled from practically all principal faculties and students of schools which specialize in the fine performing art of music. It is on the foundation of such strength of faculty and the talent of its students that The Aspen Music Festival and School could perform more than 200 concerts, masters classes and lectures. It is in fact a major source of unearthing of prowess that has shaped many young performers of classical music over the last fifty years.

Currently Music director David Zinman is head of the Aspen Music Festival and School under his personal tutelage the nine week summer festival is held which covers over 200 events comprising of chamber music, orchestral performances, contemporary music, opera, lectures, master classes, and kids programs. With its massive dedication and commitment and the unyielding spirit and talent of its director, faculty and students The Aspen Music Festival and School will surely always continue to contribute to the growth and development of all types of music the world over.

In 1949, the school and Aspen Music Festival was founded by visionaries Walter and Elizabeth Paepcke. They believed the combination of art and nature improves peoples souls. Hence, the location of the beautiful Rocky Mountains. Over 50 years later, their inspirations cover every aspect of the festival and school. From all over the world 800 young musicians attend this renowned school.

Also, every year the school invites more than 70 guest artists and 165 teachers from across the world to attend to and teach the students and also perform. This gives the students opportunities to perform as participants along with some of the greatest musicians in the world as part of their training. It has inspired fledging musicians to mature into some of the most gifted and creative classical artists in the world, from Paris to New York, from Tokyo to Rome. In fact, its one of the world's premier schools and learning grounds for pre-professional none!

The Aspen Music Festival is in a class of its own. This event takes place every summer in the Aspen area. It's a classical music festival and is internationally renowned. It presents excellent, beautiful music in a small Rocky Mountain town setting. This nine-week program encourages the students to develop their talent and skills through the classes they attend by playing and performing. Master classes, recitals, individual lessons and concerts are all part of the curriculum and last the entire summer while they are there.

It's important to point out the lessons for learning are not only limited to the classroom. The students also perform in concerts in which the students perform with their instructors in the Aspen Chamber Symphony and Aspen Festival Orchestras. In addition, students are members of three orchestras maintained by the school. This renowned school alumni fills many music positions who perform in opera houses, school faculties, in music, and other top-tier orchestras across the globe. David Zinman is the music director who has spent half a century in the Aspen Music Festival and school. This year the students will celebrate his birthday along with the birthdays of composers Mozart and Shostakovich.

Normally Aspen is thought of as only a winter ski vacation area. But, as you can see there's much more to this beautiful town in the Rocky's than just skiing. It has the beautiful 2,050-seat Benedict Music Tent, This beautifully sounding and award-winning permanent structure debuted in the year 2002 to provide acoustics to the beautiful classical music. So, come on out. If you think you may be interested going to the music festival many of the concerts and events are free. Some cost $70.00, but there are quite a few recitals and performances in the 9$ to $42 range. Of course, if you tired of hearing music, there's always the famous Aspen nightlife...and celebrities and much more welcoming the new and seasoned vacationer.

This article is written by Kenneth Scott & Rc Rougeux

Friday, August 20, 2010

When Pain is Gain

I didn't think I was getting older. Inside I felt about 25, even though my actual age is 55. I was just aware that I was getting more and more annoyed about the odd aches and pains that used to come only now and again and had then somehow gradually crept up on me - after all I was a busy woman, too busy to pay attention to 'minor' details like a pain in the hip or foot that made me walk a little lopsided at times. Then the nuisance factor worsened. It became this awful consistent pain in my right foot and a raw jagging at the hip while walking which made an enjoyable day out virtually impossible.

When it all began to reach critical mass, my body started shouting "Do something, for God's sake!"

�I started to become aware of myself groaning, for example, as I tried to extricate myself from the back seat of the car, or get off the sofa after an hour's stint on the laptop, or wincing at the foot pain when standing in one place for too long. These things add up over time. I searched for what might be available treatments for hip pain, exercises to prevent back pain, bed rest and all kinds of things. I'm not a one for popping the pills - imagine all those chemicals and what they might be doing to my body, ugh!

Then a miracle happened! I came across a new breakthrough in energy medicine, a technique I could apply myself called Eft, 100% natural and it worked literally within minutes! I was amazed at how quickly the pain disappeared. And now I am back to being '25' again and loving every minute of it!

What I found was that EFT firstly offers a way to get immediate relief of the pain to then go deeper to the very root of what put it there in the first place. It is based on the idea that all negative emotions come about as a result of a disruption in the energy system of the body. And this often manifests as pain, discomfort or emotional or physical illness and disease. As you relax using this process, resistance is released and you become more open to exploring what emotional factors might be at the root of the pain or what messages the pain might have for you. You learn how to take control of your body and feelings instead of letting them control you. In this way you are enabled to make more empowering and happier choices for yourself.

EFT or 'Emotional Freedom Technique' is a combination of Einstein's discovery -that everything is ENERGY, including the human body and even our thoughts - together with the practice of acupressure. It is considered to be one of the most successful health innovations of the last 100 years and often gets results where nothing else works. I find it to be especially powerful when combined with humour, laughter and positive thoughts and affirmations.

As well as beings of matter we are beings of energy. Whenever we have been traumatized, hurt or betrayed in the past, our body records the feelings at both a cellular AND an energetic level. In other words whatever you do, think, feel etc "your body keeps the score."

If we have registered in our bodies lots of painful thoughts and feelings we need to look at rewiring or undoing the old and re-programming ourselves with a new more positive and healthier program. I think the main message for me was to slow down - good message for a workaholic! And to allow others to support me instead of trying to do it all by myself. My past traumas had taught me not to trust and that may have been a good strategy at the time but now it was no longer needed and I could let go and STEP FORWARD with confidence.

�EFT can be used to rebalance the body's subtle energies that flow through the body (like blood flowing through the veins). Certain set points on the body are stimulated by tapping with the fingertips at the same time as repeating certain phrases or focusing on certain feelings. By taking steps to tap on and release your negative thoughts, the way is open to clear pain, restore happiness and begin to enjoy life once again

This article is written by Joy Idries

Generate Higher Returns from Your Innovation Investments: 4 of 10

From our series of highly informational articles, companies will learn: how to treat innovation as a cross-functional business process, how to align innovation execution and business strategy; how to create sustainable innovation; how to train your senior executives to successfully execute innovation initiatives; how to effectively manage process and project management; how to measure performance of your processes; how to ensure broad stakeholder buy-in; how to understand the importance of product roadmaps; how to provide the tools necessary for successful product innovation; and finally, how to ensure that portfolio management coincides with process management.

Here is one of the ten practices that leading innovators use to increase the payback from innovation spending: Training Your Senior Executives to Successfully Execute Innovation Initiatives.

Training Your Senior Executives to Successfully Execute Innovation Initiatives

It's imperative that senior management comprehend and actively support the processes that govern and drive innovation within your organization. Unless your executives know the role they need to play in those processes, it's unlikely that your organization will see anything more than incremental improvements in its return on innovation spending. Senior leaders need to understand:

1. The benefits of having a structured, automated innovation process.
By providing a common framework for executives and process owners to review and discuss project information, you will enable them to make better, more informed decisions. This provision will also help development teams execute more efficiently on product plans.

2. How to prepare for ?go/kill? decision meetings about proposed new products.
If an executive has visibility to key projects in your development pipeline, and understands the impact (positive or negative) that those projects will have on the top and bottom line, he/she will make investment decisions more quickly and confidently.

3. The function and value of using specific, consistent scorecard criteria to evaluate new product ideas.
This practice dramatically heightens the probability that your organization will end up focusing on winning, high-value projects.

4. How to manage gate meetings to get the information needed for sound investment and resource allocation decisions.
It's imperative that executives be willing to play an active role in facilitating project decision-making. Your organization can help them to be proactive rather than reactive by involving them in projects from the start.

For more information on the top practices that leading innovators use to increase their returns on innovation spending, look for the next article in our ten-part series: Effectively Managing Process and Project Management.

This article is written by Bryan Seyfarth

Options for Internal Hemorrhoids Treatment

The internal and the external hemorrhoids are the two major types of hemorrhoids. The only difference between the two kinds of hemorrhoids is it placement in the anus area. Internal hemorrhoids are located inside the anal canal, while external hemorrhoids are found outside the verge of the anal canal or rectum.

Compared to external, internal hemorrhoids are more difficult to detect. Because it is found inside the anal canal, it cannot be easily detected. The person having hemorrhoids can only realize that he or she is having it when there is already bleeding or a stain of blood got mixed with the stool.

Internal hemorrhoids can also manifests as unusual pains in the anus. There are internal hemorrhoids, though, that can be noticed easily because its sac-like protrusion from the inside reaches the outer lining of the anal canal due to intense swelling and inflammation. This causes the dangling protrusion effect that sometimes can be mistaken as en external hemorrhoid.

The treatment for hemorrhoids will be based mainly on the extent of the condition. The kind of hemorrhoids treatment also depends on the attitude of the patient towards the kind of treatment. The following are some of the medical procedures that can help rid off internal hemorrhoids:

1. Rubber Band Ligation

For those suffering from small to medium-sized hemorrhoids, rubber band ligation is a good option. This procedure does not necessarily require the patient to check-in at the hospital since this is only an out-patient procedure. Rubber Band Ligation is a kind of internal hemorrhoids treatment in which a small rubber band is being placed at the base of the internal hemorrhoid. The placement of a rubber in the said affected area cuts off blood supply to the hemorrhoid. Restricting blood flow to the inflamed hemorrhoid vein can help it to shrink and eventually to fall off within four to seven days after the Rubber Band Ligation.

2. Laser Coagulation

This modern treatment for internal hemorrhoids involves the use of a laser tool device. Laser coagulation, as it is also called, is a new medical treatment relief that uses electric current to the hemorrhoids. The electric current found in the laser device enables certain chemical reactions in the hemorrhoids which will result to the shrinking of the inflamed hemorrhoid tissue.

3. Injection Sclerotheraphy

Another treatment procedure involving the injection of certain chemical solution to the swollen tissue may also be an option. Patients who are not really fond of needles have to withstand the sight and the feeling of being injected with needles at this time. Said chemical solution contains something that can close the affected hemorrhoids vein, disallowing blood passage to the area. In this manner, hemorrhoids have the tendency to shrink and eventually heal.

4. Hemorrhoidectomy

The surgical procedure in removing hemorrhoids is also known through its medical term "Hemorrhoidectomy." This surgical procedure should involve the expertise of the doctor or surgeon who is doing the operation. This internal hemorrhoids treatment scrapes off the dangling sac-like protrusion of the hemorrhoids as well those remaining swollen hemorrhoids tissues inside the anus. This is usually applicable to higher grades of hemorrhoids.

This article is written by Sandy Rowde

Viagra ? impotence not allowed

Defining erectile dysfunction(ED) refers to the incapability of a man to continue an erection for an adequate period of time wanted to reach a sexual approval. There are a a lot of reasons that causes ED like a lot of hormonal factors, arterial or muscular factors. Damage to nerves, arteries, smooth muscles, and fibrous tissues, often as a result of disease, is the most common cause of ED. Diseases?such as diabetes, kidney disease, chronic alcoholism, multiple sclerosis, atherosclerosis, vascular disease, and neurologic disease?account for about 70 percent of ED cases. Between 35 and 50 percent of men with diabetes experience ED.

Lifestyle choices that contribute to heart disease and vascular problems also raise the risk of erectile dysfunction. Smoking, being overweight, and avoiding exercise are possible causes of ED.

There is no doubt that Viagra, the pill that revolutionized the treatment of impotence has had a profound effect on men who have erectile dysfunction. But simply finding a "quick fix" for impotence doesn't overcome other problems that may have been there before treatment began.

Sildenafil (Viagra) improves the quality of erections in many men. Taken as a tablet it assists with erections after 30-60 minutes. Its effect is to improve the blood flow to the penis. Whilst it is extremely safe it should not be used by all patients with heart disease, particularly angina. As a result it requires a prescription from a doctor. It can be given in doses ranging from 25 to 100 mg and can have side effects ranging from headaches, flushing? indigestion and visual changes. These are self-limiting and wear off with time.

Treatment often includes lifestyle changes, such as avoiding tobacco, drugs, and alcohol. Discussing the issue with your partner, participating in sensual exercises, and seeking counseling may help. Further treatment may include oral medications (such as Viagra, Levitra, or Cialis), vacuum devices, or injection of medications into the penis. Surgery to place an implant in the penis also is an option.

Do not take Viagra, Levitra, or Cialis if you are taking nitrate medications?such as nitroglycerin?for heart problems. The combination of nitrates and any of these medications can lower your blood pressure to a dangerous level. You also should not take certain alpha-blockers (used to lower blood pressure and to treat an enlarged prostate) with these medications because of the risk of a dangerous drop in blood pressure. Check with your health professional to see whether you can take Cheap Viagra, Levitra, or Cialis with your alpha-blocker.

This article is written by Cris

Your Must-Know Guide To Prostate Cancer

Early prostate cancer is confined to the prostate gland itself; most of the patients with this type of cancer can live for years without any problems. Men have traditionally been less likely to seek medical attention than women, especially for minor problems which often serve as warning signs for more serious underlying illness. The second leading cause of cancer deaths among men in the U.S. is from prostate cancer.

Like other cancers, the cause of prostate cancer is not known; it appears to be more common in African American men and men with a family history of the disease. Prostate cancer is simply a malignant tumor of the prostate gland. In most men, prostate cancer grows very slowly; most men will never even know they have the condition.

Most prostate cancer symptoms, although associated with prostate cancer, are more likely to be connected to non-cancerous conditions. There are other symptoms that may not be mentioned here. Blood in the urine or semen and frequent pain or stiffness in the lower back, hips, or upper thighs can be symptoms of cancer.

Weak or interrupted flow of urine and painful or burning urination can be symptoms to watch out for. One of the most common symptoms is the inability to urinate, get checked right away. If cancer is caught at its earliest stages, most men will not experience any symptoms.

A urinalysis may indicate if there is blood in the urine, which may or may not be related. A chest x-ray may be done to see if there's a spread of cancer. CT scans may be done to see if the cancer has metastasized (spread).

There is a newer test called AMACR that is more sensitive than the PSA test for determining the presence of prostate cancer. Another test usually used when prostate cancer symptoms are present is a digital rectal exam (DRE) performed by the doctor, proctologist or oncologist. A PSA test with a high level can also be from a non-cancerous enlargement of the prostate gland.

Medications can have many side effects, including hot flashes and loss of sexual desire. Surgery, radiation therapy, and hormonal therapy can interfere with libido on a temporary or permanent basis. Thoroughly discuss all your treatment options and concerns with your doctor and other health professionals; it never hurts to get a second or even third opinion or more if necessary - don't be afraid to ask.

Be aware that some men chose natural treatment options and forgo any surgery, radiation or chemotherapy. Urinary incontinence can be one of the possible complications of surgery. The conventional treatment of prostate cancer is often controversial.

Hormone manipulation is mainly used as a treatment to relieve symptoms in men whose cancer has metastasized (spread). In patients whose health makes the risk of surgery unacceptably high, radiation therapy is often the chosen conventional alternative. Some drugs with numerous side effects are being used to treat advanced prostate cancer, blocking the production of testosterone, called chemical castration; it has the same result as surgical removal of the testes.

An oncologist, a cancer specialist, will usually recommend treating with a single drug or a combination of drugs. Anyone considering surgery should be aware of the benefits, risks and the extent of the procedure. Medicines can be used to adjust the levels of testosterone; called hormonal manipulation.

For an easy fiber boost, mix in two tablespoons of ground up flaxseeds in raw applesauce, from 2-3 apples, made in your food processor. Consider taking cod liver oil or fish oil supplements every day. For natural treatment for the prostate make an appointment with a naturopathic doctor, called a naturopath; ask around for referrals.

Making a ginger tea, by adding a thin slice or two of fresh gingerroot to hot water, is helpful to many people I know. Supplements that help any disease or ailment include vitamin B12 -- the methylcobalamin type not cyanocobalamin, and sub-lingual -- dissolves slowly under the tongue; and vitamin D3 - especially if you can't get a daily dose of 15 to 20 minutes of sun on your arms and legs so you can make your own vitamin D3. Use flaxseed oil or walnut oil in your daily dark green salad.

Make smoothies with fruit only, using a base of two bananas, adding a cup of frozen or fresh blueberries and mango chunks or substitute any other fruit and add an energy boost of two tablespoons of coconut oil; add one or two leaves of kale for another highly nutritional boost. Eat at least one, preferably two organic apples with the skin on every day. Make highly nutritious raw applesauce using a food processor and put in 3-4 cored pesticide-free apples, with the skin on, and mix for a minute; so much better for you than canned highly processed applesauce and add 1/4 tsp. cinnamon or two tablespoons of freshly ground flaxseed for another boost.

Evidence indicates that many patients detect cancer at an earlier stage because of annual screening, so make sure to get a good exam. Just about all men with prostate cancer survive at least five years after their diagnosis, 93% survive at least 10 years, and 67% survive more than 15 years. Once diagnosed you may be want to join a support group whose members share their experiences and problems.

I'm not just playing with words here; this little bit of information might just save your life, so you will do well to be very attentive. Perhaps you need to pick up pen and paper, and see about taking notes that you may refer to at some other time, no?

You know prostate cancer already; otherwise you will not be looking for information about it. It's a cancer of your prostate gland ? the ?O? shaped gland in males that surrounds the urethra, below the bladder, which secretes a fluid into the semen that acts to improve the mobility and viability of sperm.

Ok, let's cut the jargons and really help you: your prostate is an organ or gland that is very close to your testicles and produces part of the fluids which constitutes your sperm. That is simple enough to understand, isn't it?

Already you know what cancer is, don't you? Cancer can be said to be dead cells in your body that are refusing to go away. In the process they may cause more cells in your body to die prematurely and also refuse to go away; and as such they could all cause you some serious discomfort and eventually death in most cases if not treated or properly attended to.

Even with the best treatment procedures for cancer, people still die from the disease all the time. Correct me if you think I'm wrong, but I should think cancer is one of the leading causes of death in the United States today, and perhaps the most feared. As a matter of fact, the only thing worse than cancer in North America today is heart disease.

But here's what to be pleased about - It's no longer a killer disease as many people will make you believe. There are now lots more people who are surviving it than ever before, thanks to the medical advancement made all over the world. So - yes, you can survive the condition, especially if it's detected early. That's why it's very important for every one who is up to 45 years old to go for constant yearly or twice yearly prostate cancer tests. The earlier it's detected, the more likely that victims will survive it.

This article is written by & Johnjames

10 Romantic Songs from You to your Partner's Heart

1. When You Say Nothing At All
From the "Notting Hill" sound track, Ronan Keating's version of "When you say nothing at all" is a beautiful song about how much you can say without saying a word. It says everything about how much you feel loved by your partner because of the emotions they show in their face. If you want your partner to know you feel their love, this is a great song to help you tell them.

2. Woman
This John Lennon classic is a song that every woman would love to hear dedicated to her. It tells her how special she is to you, and how much she means to you. Make sure she listens to the lyrics so she can see how much she means to you.

3. From this Moment On
Shania Twain brought this song to the public and added another standard to classic romance albums everywhere. Perfect for a woman to sing to her man at the start of their life together either on a wedding day, or as the relationship takes a more serious turn in that direction. It tells the man in your life how proud you are to be his lady.

4. Everything I Do I Do It for You
From the "Robin Hood Prince of Thieves" soundtrack, this Bryan Adams classic love song is one that's just pure romance. Tell your lady how your life is now dedicated to her by playing this song for her.

5. Truly, Madly Deeply
Savage Garden's "Truly, Madly, Deeply" is another song that lets your lady know everything that you feel for her. What woman could fail to be swept off her feet at having the man in their life dedicate this song to her?

6. Crazy for You
This Madonna song is one for the guys. Let Madonna tell your guy how you feel about him by playing (or singing!) this song for him. If he didn't know you wanted him before you dedicated the song to him, he'll have no doubts afterwards!

7. You're My First, My Last, My Everything
When you mean business, and that business is to tell your lady that she's everything to you, then Barry White's "My First, My Last, My Everything" will clear any doubts she might have had about your feelings towards her!

8. Everlasting Love
A romantic song with a dance beat, this evergreen disco love song is one you can dance to, ham up, or sing lovingly as you gaze into your partners eyes.

9. I Won't Last a Day Without You
Karen Carpenter's voice lends a mellow tone to this romantic song that tells of how much you appreciate the man in your life, and how they make your life brighter.

10.Because You Loved Me
Romance and love is told in countless songs, but Celine Dion's "Because you loved me" is about something more than romance, it goes deeper and tells the man in your life that you appreciate everything you bring into their life such as support and encouragement.

There's a song out there to tell the person in your life exactly what you want them to know but don't have the words to express it yourself. Find the right one, such as one of these above, and dedicate it to them so they'll know how you feel about them.

This article is written by Jane Saeman

Diets that burn your fat would be good weight loss products

1. You need to judiciously earmark all the harmful fat favoring caloric diets including the much hyped latest infomercials offering you instant fat burners. It would be great if do not take much of their advertisements to heart. Ponder logically and consult your family doctor or a dietician in this regard. Their advice would be highly beneficial in helping you resolve your weighty problem.

2. Would you consider this important? Yes, because burning all that extra fat would be the only way to lose weight healthily. The people and companies marketing weight loss items and associated paraphernalia are already in the know that burning fat would you're your body lose substantial weight. And, therefore, have been flooding the internet with rosy pictures of advertisements on burning fat. They do not hold much water though. This article further aims at analyzing five comfortably easy steps involved in a dietary regimen's fat burning process.

3. Analyzing five steps of fat burning foods

a. Keep an eye on the rate at which you are losing weight. How fast are you, as a dieter, losing weight on this food regimen? You should not lose more than two pounds each week.

b. The classic rapid weight loss advertisement is identical to you ?Losing X pounds during Y time?. Thereafter, based on the information given in the advertisement you could calculate the quantum of weight that you have lost each week. To cite an example of a real advertisement that appeared in the year 2003 which read thus: ?Lose ten pounds and four inches in just ten days!?

c. Assessing the situation figuratively would be: You lost weight of 7 pounds in one week at the rate of 1 pound per day. This formulation times 2 implies that you would have lost a total weight of 14 pounds in two weeks. This is an unhealthy weight loss method and spells gross disaster to your body's physiological system, which in turn would damage your body's metabolic activity to a very great extent.

One of the easiest marketing strategies that you can implement is starting a diet club in your town. Here are tips to get your diet club started off right.

1. Host a diet club in your home. If you cannot do it, one of your friends, family members, or colleagues may be willing to be the host, especially when you offer them free samples of your network marketing's company's weight loss product.

2. The host will need to invite six or more people to your diet club. The invitations can look something like this:

"Your Dieting Days are Over!"

The problem with diets is that, whenever you go on a diet, eventually you have to get off the diet. What usually happens? The weight returns.

*Drink a shake. Lose weight! Eat a cookie. Lose weight! Try these and other fun and easy ways to lose weight!

*Never be hungry! (that's better than willpower!)

*Enjoy great tasting cookies between meals!

*Lose weight and keep it off!

Come to our diet club kick off! Meet new friends, bring your favorite dish and recipe, and lose weight while snacking with us!

Fun! Healthy! Plus it all tastes so good!

Tuesday, April 18th, 150 broad Avenue, Winchester, VA

3. Purchase a scale so that you will have one for the official "weigh-in".

4. Plan to have your diet club meet on the same day and time every week. Every member will need to weigh in each week. The member who loses the most weight will get to keep the special "Weight Loss Trophy" for the week. You will need to remind them to bring it back for the next group meeting's winner. When you do it like this, you will only need to purchase one trophy.

5. The member that loses the least amount of weight or gains the most gets a booby prize. This can be anything, such as an embarrassing poster they have to put on their refrigerator for the week. Get creative! Whoever gets the booby prize will need to bring it back to the next meeting so that the new winner can receive it.

6. After the weigh-in, trophy, and booby prize awards, give your diet club members a tip or two about proper eating and dieting. Share with them how your weight loss product can help them meet their goals.

7. Lastly, socialize! Share recipes, give out cookies, shakes, or whatever weight loss product your network marketing company promotes. Dig into the delicious dishes that members bring. Overall, just enjoy the fellowship and then repeat next week!

That's it! This is all it takes to start your own diet club in your hometown. Your members will appreciate your efforts, and it's highly likely you will get lots of orders for your weight loss products! So, get going with your first diet club today!

This article is written by Venkata Ramana & Monique Hawkins

Thursday, August 19, 2010

The Copper Canyon-Natural Wonders in Mexico

The Copper Canyon is nestled in the Sierra Madre Range and is actually several large canyons that are four times larger than the Grand Canyon of the United States. It's an out of the way place attractive to travelers who like scenic landscapes, gorgeous canyons and exciting train rides. The Sierra Madre is rich in history and legend. Fallen warriors, martyred Jesuits and Pancho Villa's army are said to haunt the area. It is also home to the reclusive Tarahumara.

Tourists were able to enter this area long inhabited by the reclusive Tarahumara Indians via the Chepe railroad. Some 50,000 Raramuri ("the people of the swiftly running feet") ? as they call themselves ? live in caves and other primitive dwellings, just as their ancestors have for the last 400 years. These small, shy natives are famous for their long-distance running ability. Tourists can visit some of their homes and buy handmade crafts, including handmade violins, pine needle baskets, woven belts and bark carvings directly from them. This area is marvelous for people who love to explore history and culture. The area is rich in both. Vacation and retirement properties are available. Contact a local Mexico real estate agent for more information.

The world famous canyon system is one of Mexico's natural, cultural and historic wonders. The Canyon is located in the middle of the legendary Sierra Madre Mountains of the state of Chihuahua. The remarkable series of canyons and ridges covers 25,000 square miles of rugged territory.

Rivers have carved a 10,000 mile maze of spectacular steep-walled gorges into the volcanic rock of the Sierra Madre Occidental Mountain Range. Giant cactus and tropical trees over 5,000 feet are visible from the canyon rim. The water delivered by summer thunderstorms creates a rainbow of greens, reds and yellows of the deciduous oaks in spring and the wildflowers in autumn.

The historic Chihuahua al Pacifico Railroad travels from the Pacific Ocean up into the heart of Copper Canyon. The world famous railroad was built over a 90 year period, and is considered an engineering masterpiece. It has been called "the most dramatic train ride in the western hemisphere."

Most tours travel through Los Mochis, Sinaloa, Creel, and Chihuahua. The train nears the top of the Sierra Madre range at 8,000 feet elevation. The railroad runs the way to Chihuahua City. The area is absolutely breath-taking and a fantastic place to retire or vacation. A local Mexico realtor can give you more information.

Your beachfront property in Mexico is within your reach. Check out the listings of Playa del Carmen Real Estate, Puerto Vallarta Property and Cancun Real Estate for insight into this booming market.

Author: Tom Budniak

St. John, the smallest of the U.S. Virgin Islands, is a pristine, protected wonder that offers undeveloped stretches of paradise and unparalleled beauty from its lush interior all the way to its white sand beaches. While many travelers pencil it in as a daytrip from the bustling and more commercialized island of St. Thomas, the only way to truly experience this Caribbean jewel is to stay along its shore and spend your entire vacation seeking out its hidden treasures.

Highly-regarded and consistently voted one of the best beaches in the world by Cond Nast Traveler magazine, Trunk Bay is so breathtaking that it is almost indescribable. The heart-shaped bay is lined by striking white sand and turquoise water so crystal clear that disrupting its calm and scenic splendor seems like a sin. While you will certainly find the usual suspects for activities, including swimming, sunbathing, and scuba diving, snorkeling is by far the most popular due to the underwater, self-guided trail located near the shore.

If Trunk Bay is the shining star of the island, then Caneel Bay is a full moon that radiates a soft glow over the north shore. Accessible through the Caneel Bay Resort, visitors will find seven beautiful beaches on 170 acres that are perfect for swimming, kayaking, and sunbathing. In addition to these spectacular bays, you can also try Honeymoon Bay, Cinnamon Bay, Leinster Bay, and Salt Pond Bay to escape the crowds and relax on a secluded, private strip of sand that is adjacent to the warm waters of the Caribbean.

Since many of the beaches are part of the Virgin Islands National Park, which covers more than 7,000 acres and 60 percent of the island, access to more than soft sands and eternal sunshine is almost always at your fingertips. Although the beaches are the featured attraction, hills, valleys, and tropical rainforests are all begging to be explored on the miles of hiking trails that tell a story of history and survival. Be sure to check out the Bourdeaux Mountain Trail, which leads to the highest point on the island; the Cinnamon Bay Nature Trail, home to sugar plantation ruins; and the Reef Bay Trail, always popular for its forest lands, petroglyph rock carvings, shimmering waterfall, and sugar mill remnants.

If you find that you have a little down time during your stay, be sure to visit Fort Berg (or Fortsberg) and the Annaberg Ruins. The Fort Berg ruins, located on a peninsula that juts out into Coral Bay, represent the site of a 1733 slave revolt that was viciously put down by soldiers. The Annaberg Sugar Mill Ruins, located on Leinster Bay Road, offer a glimpse of the equipment and labor needed to run an 18th century plantation in addition to breathtaking views of the shoreline.

Although St. John is known as being a sleepy island compared to St. Thomas, there is a small commercial center on Cruz Bay and friendly locals are certainly willing to help you along your travels. The laid-back atmosphere and abundant attractions make it easy to never explore another island, but if you feel compelled to journey across the water, you can hop aboard one of the ferries that regularly commute from Cruz Bay to Red Hook or Charlotte Amalie on St. Thomas.

With unspoiled beauty around every corner and the warm waters of the Caribbean an inviting attraction, St. John is an island that requires your undivided attention. Rather than jumping from one island to the next, surround yourself with St. John's lush mangrove forests and sparkling white sand beaches in a vacation rental. St. John vacation rentals offer relaxation at all hours of the day and place all of the picturesque activities and attractions of this island paradise just steps outside your private patio. Live like a local with St. John rentals and experience a getaway that surpasses all of your wildest expectations.

This article is written by Tom Budniak & Jennifer Weiss

How to Get Rid of Stretch Marks the Natural Way

No one wants to have skin covered with stretch marks. Although many treatments tell us how to get rid of stretch marks, some of them can cause more harm than good because of the side effects. In the following paragraphs you will see the reasons why you should stay away from these treatments. But this dilemma should not bother you for long because you will also learn about the safe and natural solutions to your stretch marks problem.

The Unnatural Way

Using doctor prescribed creams might be an easy way to get rid of stretch marks but it is not advisable for pregnant women to use them because they contain harsh chemicals. You might think that laser surgery might be a less harmful alternative to prescription creams. Even if it has its advantages, the disadvantage lies in the fact that this treatment will only be effective for freshly formed stretch marks. Dermabrasion involves stripping off the surface of the skin but the results won't leave you satisfied.

Another way of how to get rid of stretch marks is by exfoliation. Exfoliation is simply using a type of formula that can remove dead skin so that new skin can take its place. Although it can diminish the appearance of stretch marks, this type of treatment does not totally get rid of them.

Some of the products used in exfoliation also have harsh chemicals in them and they are not totally safe for those who have sensitive skin or are pregnant. If you want to know how to get rid of stretch marks without the side effects or spending too much money, then the natural way of getting rid of stretch marks is your solution.

The Natural Way

Some people are not concerned about eating right and staying fit so they are always bothered by stretch marks. Once you start exercising everyday, you will no longer gain more weight and you won't have to face the problem of having more stretch marks in the future.

Another important thing you should remember is to eat a balanced diet and not over eat. Your diet should be rich in antioxidants like vitamins A, D, and E and you will never go wrong by eating more fruits and vegetables. However, some stretch marks are the result of being pregnant and eating right or exercising won't help you keep these unsightly marks away because your belly will continue to grow no matter what you do. So you might be wondering how to get rid of stretch marks in this situation?

The best solution to this problem is a stretch mark prevention cream. There is one cream in the market that is safe to use even on pregnant women. Although it is a topical cream that you use to apply on affected areas, it is still all-natural and none of the ingredients in the cream will harm you. It is so safe that you can use it even if you are pregnant. This cream contains potent yet all-natural components like Vitamins A, E, D3, Alone Vera, and Squalene oil. These ingredients will help your skin heal itself naturally and consequently get rid of your stretch marks.

You can purchase this cream over the counter and if you compare it with other treatments, this stretch mark removal cream won't put a hole in your pockets. So what is the final answer to the question, how to get rid of stretch marks the natural way? The answer can be found in a single bottle of this cream.

This article is written by JB Galindez

How To Burn Stomach Fat

A careful diet is, of course, essential when you are trying to lose weight, as is regular exercise; however, in order to lose the most from your waistline, you should be doing more cardiovascular, or aerobic, exercise. Most people do not do enough of this kind of workout, often stopping after half an hour. For the first 20 or so minutes, the body is not burning fat, but glycogen (carbohydrates), and only after this time does it start to burn fat. So with aerobic exercise, the key to burning stomach fat is to work out for as much as an hour continuously. You should be doing this at least 3 to 4 times a week.

As well as aerobic exercise, you should give some time to resistance exercises. This is of course, working out with weights, which many people find very daunting. On the one hand, weight training exercise will slow down the number of pounds you lose per week (as it increases muscle mass), but you will be loosing fat. Also, resistance training is generally beneficial to your health, and a complete weight-loss program will include aerobic and resistance exercises, as well as a low-fat diet.

This article is written by Dylan Graves

Wednesday, August 18, 2010

The Right Cosmetic Surgeon Has Certain Traits

You aren't happy with how you look. Actually, you're mortified with how you look. This definitely isn't the way you thought things would turn out. When you were a child, people used to fawn over how cute you were. Then, puberty stepped in, and your ears and nose jutted out. As you've aged, your appearance has just, in your mind, gotten worse.
It's time to take charge of your appearance, and find a cosmetic surgeon. No, you're not getting plastic surgery because you're trying to attract someone. You have been lucky enough to find someone that loves you for your personality (which is all that should matter anyway). But it's time to stop being ashamed of how you look, and the right cosmetic surgeon should be able to restore your self-esteem.
So, what are the ideal traits of a cosmetic surgeon? Well, it's easy enough for you to do your research nowadays when it comes to that. Before, people who were looking for a cosmetic surgeon would have to rely strictly on generalities from patients and whatnot.

Read up more on articles for women

This article is written by Beth Ortiz

The Best Natural Remedies for Parasites

I don't know about you but to consider that a worm like creature is growing inside of my body is not something you want to talk about over supper. But if you are suffering from any of the following; Chronic Candida, Yeast infections, anal itching (especially at night), gas and bloating, diarrhea, grinding teeth while sleeping, eating more and still being hungry, chronic fatigue and many other symptoms, you may very well have a bad case of parasites. Now I am not sharing this with you to scare you but rather I want to help you get rid of those unwanted guests by showing you the Best Natural Remedies for Parasites.
It never ceases to amaze me how quick people are to go to their doctor at the first sign of any sort of ailment when our Awesome Creator God has left us with an innumerable amount of natural remedies in Nature. He has done just that in creating certain herbs that these parasites just can't stand. Although there are many hundreds of different kinds of parasites there are 3 herbs that seem to be the most potent in doing away with these parasites

This article is written by Jake Siemens

Body Building American style

Tuesday, August 17, 2010

Bodysculpting Workouts for Getting Ripped

High repetition sets do not get you cut.

This is a myth, and there's a much better way to sculpt your body, get ripped, and finally achieve the elusive 6-pack.

But again, let me repeat, you won't succeed with high-repetition sets using light weights. And don't even worry about the "pump", but that's another article for another day.

Everyone wants to lower their body fat, from overweight individuals to competitive bodybuilders. We want to be able to see our well-earned muscles and our 6-pack abs.

And that's why we get lured into the belief of the cutting exercises. Because it causes a burn in our muscles, we generally think, hey, this must be burning fat. But it's not! It's just a fatiguing sensation.

If you are using a high-rep, cutting program, I doubt you are getting the results you want. You are probably working out for over an hour, doing way too many exercises.

There is a better way to burn fat. A faster way. And a smarter way. It doesn't involve "toning" workouts or "Cutting exercises".

This article is written by Craig Ballantyne

Monday, August 16, 2010

South Beach Diet - What Are The Benefits And Pitfalls Of The South Beach Diet?

What is the South Beach Diet and what are its benefits and its drawbacks? The South Beach Diet is the creation of cardiologist Arthur Agatston, MD, director of the Mount Sinai Cardiac Prevention Center in Miami Beach, Fla. And like the Atkins Diet, Dr. Agatston's South Beach Diet also limits the intake of carbohydrates as well as including a severely restrictive two week induction phase that is followed by a long term diet. So this means that potatoes, fruit, bread, cereal, rice, pasta, beets, carrots, and corn are no longer allowed, especially during the induction phase. So, with the aforementioned similarities, you may be wondering where Atkins and South Beach actually differ.

First of all, while Atkins promotes the obscene consumption of saturated animal fats, South Beach bans all unhealthy fats while, on the other hand, promoting the consumption of healthier unsaturated fats. The other difference can be found in their opposing views of carbohydrates. The South Beach diet doesn't count grams of carbohydrates and low-sugar carbs are actually recommended. Therefore, South Beach is unable to be pegged as simply as "low-carb" unlike the Atkins diet, and it's stance on fats disqualifies it from being labeled a "low-fat" diet as well. One of the more beneficial points that the South Beach Diet makes is for people to snack throughout the day so that hunger pangs are offset and their metabolism remains elevated. Actual meal portions will be just large enough to satisfy one's hunger but no larger. Another point that many diets such as South Beach are stressing is insulin control by eating less refined carbs and more complex, fiber-rich carbs that will keep your energy levels high and your risk for diabetes low.

But what about this harsh induction phase? As mentioned above, one must begin the South Beach Diet with what they call an induction phase that lasts for 14 days. During these 14 days, one's choices for food are limited greatly. Foods to avoid include bread, cereal, fruit, pasta, rice, potatoes, and alcohol. While one can have dairy products, only two servings of low-fat or non fat dairy are permitted during induction. Once the induction phase is over, and your carb cravings have waned, you can now begin to reincorporate some carbs back into the diet. However, most foods are still banned, but things like pasta can be had occasionally. This diet is maintained until you reach your target weight.

Now, South Beach is not as wonderful as Dr. Agatston would like for you to believe. In my opinion, any diet that includes a highly restrictive period that leaves people nutritionally unbalanced is not a good idea. Furthermore, most of the weight lost during induction turns out to be water weight, therefore disrupting the electrolyte balance and leaving you dehydrated. Lastly, the induction phase is a necessary stage, yet it is a nearly impossible challenge for many to go without grains, pasta, and fruit for two weeks. And for the uninitiated, this induction phase simply asks for too much too soon. So, Dr. Agatston's heart appears to be in the right place, but one-size-fits-all diets like the South Beach Diet appear to be more trouble than they are worth.

Opting for a car rental?

Before you opt for a rental you chose an agency that will give you a good deal. Ask people around you or simply go online and you will find loads of information. You can chose from a variety of rental cars according to how much you would like to pay. The economy class to the luxury car hire, they are all available easily. Usually airline sites offer good deals on rental cars so you have your car ready right when step out of the airport!

You can get cheap car rentals in India. The trick is to reserve your rental way beforehand. If you rent in the low season you will definitely get a good bargain. Even if you are not ready to leave till the last minute, the agencies probably are and getting a car rental booking is no hassle!

Sometimes a car rental agency gives great offers to its first time members like free upgrades, an extra day free. You also have to pay for the fuel used. Other services like airport transfers, local travel are included in your package. But often you have to opt for the collision damage waiver which is otherwise not applicable to your car insurance. So, you should check before you rent and you can save a lot if you don't need it. Also, compare the rentals rate of different agencies before you rent. You don't want to end up paying more than what the other clients in the market are paying!

Car coach rentals are a convenient way of traveling in complete comfort. You should get value for money from your deal and there should be no compromise on the safety. The car should be in good condition and the chauffeur should have a valid license.

Just explore your options before you finally go for a rental. Then it will be smoothing sailing (or driving!)

Everyone will need to rent a car at certain periods in their life, for various reasons and needs. The reasons to rent a car may be to travel to another city or country, to drive to a destination after taking a flight, to move to a new house, or to temporarily replace your car during maintenance. There are many car rental companies to choose from, it will help to shop around and do your research to find the best companies to rent the vehicle. Most of these companies have a website for rental information, such as the requirements, types of cars, their office locations, and specials for renting their cars.

You may like to take advantages of the rental specials that the rental companies will offer to save money. It will be helpful to avoid rental hassles to read the details about the agreement or contract information. Check out the rates for renting the car for you like, most rental companies will prefer credit cards as payment.

Find out the nearest office locations for picking up the cars, many rental companies have a location at the airport for your convenience to pickup the car. There are options to pickup the car yourself or the company will deliver the car to you at a fee, be sure to visually inspect the car before taking it. You should check whether the rental company will fill the gasoline for you or you will be responsible for it. There are also many useful tips for cars at for you to read.

They will also ask if you would like to use your own insurance or purchase their insurance coverage. If you decide to use yours, find out if your own insurance company will cover the car rental insurance during the rental duration. Decide ahead of the rentals that if any other people will be driving the vehicle too, because the rental company will need to include the other people in the rental contract.

There are so many types or models of cars to choose from, you should find out which one will be the best for your purpose. Choices like small cars, medium cars, large cars, SUV, fuel efficient green cars, vans with higher capacity, convertible, cargo vans, and moving trucks. If you would like to save on gas, it will be wise to rent a small or fuel efficient green car. But if you are going to take a prospect or client of yours to dinner during the rental, it will be more proper to rent a larger or a luxurious model. It will be right to rent a cargo van or moving truck, if you are moving to a new house or moving the cargos of your company. Therefore, appropriate car rental research and planning will always help you with a smoother car rental experience.

This article is written by Pranav & Teeny